Buy mage tower boost
Buy mage tower boost

buy mage tower boost

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buy mage tower boost

Add service to your shopping cart and complete the payment.Thwarting the Twins - Affliction Warlocks, Balance Druids, Frost Mages, Marksmanship Hunters, and Shadow Priests.The Highlord's Return - Blood Death Knights, Brewmaster Monks, Guardian Druids, Protection Paladins, Protection Warriors, and Vengeance Demon Hunters.The God Queen's Fury - Arcane Mages, Assassination Rogues, Demonology Warlocks, Enhancement Shaman, and Retribution Paladins.Feltotem's Fall - Beast Mastery Hunters, Destruction Warlocks, Discipline Priests, and Windwalker Monks.End of the Risen Threat - Holy Paladins, Holy Priests, Mistweaver Monks, Restoration Druids, and Restoration Shaman.Closing the Eye - Arms Warriors, Frost Death Knights, Havoc Demon Hunters, Subtlety Rogues, and Survival Hunters.An Impossible Foe - Elemental Shaman, Feral Druids, Fire Mages, Fury Warriors, Outlaw Rogues, and Unholy Death Knights.This will allow you to track the progress of the order and stay in touch with your personal booster. We'll invite you to our private Discord conference.Our manager will сlarify all the details with you and pro-player will drive your character.The service is provided Piloted way only.As additional option you may choose preparing of your characters for challange.Additional options may increase the lead time, but not the start time!.Lead time for one challange: ~60-120 minutes.Fel Werebear Druid form is reward for Guardian Druid only.

buy mage tower boost

  • Feat of Strength achievement Tower Overwhelming for completion every challenge at the Mage Tower across all classes and specializations.
  • A Towering Success achievement for completion a challenge for any specialization at the Mage Tower.
  • Mount Soaring Spelltome and A Tour of Towers achievement for completion every unique challenge available at the Mage Tower.
  • Recolor of T20 transmogrification set for your class.
  • Selected Mage Tower challanges completion for the sellected class/spec.
  • Here you can buy the Mage Tower Challange boost and get any available rewars from it. Our boosters are always happy to help you implement your plans! The main value of this challenge is that it will only be available for a short time after which players will no longer be able to receive such rewards. In total, there are seven types of challenges for each spec class, and each of them is unique and requires excellent skill in playing for the selected class. In Legion Timewalk's challenges the rewards have been changed to new recolors of T20 sets of transmogs, as well as a new beautiful mount Soaring Spelltome has been added and for the most diligent players will be the reward new achievements: A Tour of Towers, A Towering Success and FOS achievement Tower Overwhelming. A separate gift awaits the Guardian druids, because a new Fel Werebear form has been introduced for them. Mage Tower is a legendary challenge that returned to us from the Legion expansion. As before, for completing the challenge, players will receive unique and unusual rewards that are available for obtaining only for progress in the Mage Tower.

    Buy mage tower boost