In addition, they regularly present their research at regional, national, and international conferences, including the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Joint Statistical Meetings, and Joint Mathematics Meetings. His undergraduate and graduate research students have successfully published peer-reviewed papers in highly respected journals, including Behavior Research Methods, Environmetrics, Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, Journal of Forecasting, and The American Statistician. In 2019, Noguchi and two undergraduate students, Patrick Carroll and Alexander Kuhn, created the student club RAW Stats (Research Assembly at Western: Statistics), which brings together students and faculty to discuss research projects and career opportunities in statistics. Statistics Professor Kimihiro Noguchi joined the Math Department in 2014 and has supervised more than 30 students on theoretical, computational, and applied statistics projects. John’s ultimate goal with his teaching and research is to make the world a cleaner, more sustainable, and overall groovier place to be. Misasi’s students have gone on to graduate school to pursue their Ph.D degrees.
Misasi has published fourteen peer-reviewed conference papers and nine posters at professional conferences with student co-authors, and half of the students that have conducted research under his guidance have technical papers on their resumes. This philosophy has led to successful collaborations with industry heavyweights like Nike, Boeing, and HP, and start-ups like Vartega Carbon Fiber Recycling and the Ocean Plastic Recovery Project. Within seven years, Dr. His passion, however, is in educating next generation engineers and scientists about aspects of polymer and composite sustainability through hands-on curriculum and meaningful research experiences. Professor Misasi focuses his teaching and research on the relationships between the chemical structures, manufacturing processes, and properties of industrially-relevant polymers and composites.

John Misasi is an Associate Professor of Plastics and Composites Engineering at Western Washington University. John has mentored over 45 undergraduate students and nine MS students to date, including three Department of Chemistry Outstanding MS Graduates (2018 2020 2021), a Department of Chemistry Outstanding Graduate (2012), a 2019 Elouise Cobell Scholarship for Indigenous Education (2019), the American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry Award for Undergraduate Research (Team Award 2018), an NSF Predoctoral Fellowship (2010), and a WWU Presidential Scholar (2012).

His work has been supported by over $3.5 million in external funding, including an NSF Early CAREER Award, a Cottrell Scholar (PUI class) Award, and a Henry Dreyfus Teacher Scholar Award. John’s research interests lie in the area of coordination chemistry with a focus on the deoxygenation of pervasive environmental pollutants such carbon dioxide and nitrate/nitrite. in inorganic chemistry from the University of Oregon in 2005. in chemistry from Augustana College in 2000 and a Ph.D. Hear from champions from just two of the many schools and districts we work with in Tennessee: Jackson-Madison County School System, which has enrolled all of its 27 schools in the Healthy Schools Program and Beech Bluff Elementary School, which has been enrolled in the Healthy Schools Program since 2009.John Gilbertson is a Professor of Chemistry and has been on the faculty at WWU since 2008. We’ve also made it easier for more than 12,700 youth in 110 out-of-school time programs to eat right and move more through our Healthy Out-of-School Time Initiative. Since 2007, 44 Tennessee schools have been recognized with National Healthy Schools Awards for their outstanding efforts. Nearly 900 schools serving over 508,000 students across the state have joined Healthier Generation's Healthy Schools Program, creating healthier school environments for children to thrive. In Tennessee, we’re making it easier for kids to develop healthy habits. The Alliance for a Healthier Generation, thanks to support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Assisi Foundation, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is working with communities throughout the state to make it easier for kids to lead healthier lives. But aside from its many ways to unwind, the state also faces a distressing problem: Tennessee is the eleventh most obese state in the nation for children. In Tennessee, you can take in the breath-taking scenery from the Great Smoky Mountains, listen to melodies from the home of country music and the blues, and savor plenty of Southern culinary favorites.